Can a Rare Qigong Modality Heal Pain, Disease and Create Longevity?

Throughout history there have been stories of people with super human healing abilities. Stories of rare people who could heal other people or able to affect people without touching them.

25 years ago we started discovering a some people with this rare healing ability. It was a very rare form of energy healing from a secret Qigong modality.

To describe the experience, someone put his hand about 10 inches from my back and I could feel this strong tingling feeling move inside my body. 20 minutes later my pain was gone.

This ability is created purely through a physical tension squat which creates a bioelectrical energy pressure circulating in the body.

What if super human powers are real? What if there is a way to move people without touching them? What if there was a way to physically heal yourself and other people naturally?

Our mission is to bring back the rare powerful modalities and understand, document, teach and scale them. We are turning rare "real" mysterious abilities into a replicatable system of skills that almost anyone can learn with dedicated practice. And most importantly, we aim to make it accessible for people to actually experience in-real-life.

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